Good morning! We are on day 2 of the Charly Sew Along, sponsored by and Hawthorne Threads! If you missed day 1, it’s not too late! You can still , catch up on yesterday’s post, and be ready to sew today!

Today you will need to gather your bodice and sleeve pieces. If you are doing the stretch lace sleeve hack, continue along with me. I will be skipping the decorative trim down the front of the bodice and the elbow patches, so if you prefer to do those, please consult pages 5-8 of the Charly PDF Pattern.

I recommend pressing the hem allowance into your sleeve piece before you add the lace. This will prevent any mishaps with your iron and the lace. Ha! Take your sleeve pieces and find the center. You can also do this by pressing it well on the fold. Find and pin the centers of your sleeve pieces.

Lay your stretch lace piece on top of the sleeve, lining up the bottom edges. You can leave a little over the edge too, and trim after you sew. I found that the lace does stretch just a bit as I sew, but that could also be my machine. Zig zag or use a longer stitch to sew down both sides of the lace.

Repeat with the other sleeve. If your lace is not symmetrically designed, you  may want to flip the direction so it will look the same when the sleeves are assembled.

Lay the front bodice on top of the back bodice, right sides together. Sew or serge along the shoulder seams, and press the seam allowances towards the back bodice.

Open the bodice unit up, and lay one sleeve piece down, right sides together. Pin as necessary and sew or serge the sleeve seam. Repeat with the other side.

Turn the bodice inside out, pin the sleeves and sides together (make sure you unfold that sleeve hem if you pre-pressed it!), and sew or serge.

I forgot to take a pick of this step, but prepare your neckband piece by folding it in half (long ends together) and press well. Open the piece up and fold it in half, short ends together, right sides together, and sew the seam. For pictures of this process, please refer to pages 6-7 in the pattern.
Turn the bodice right side out. Divide the neck of the bodice and the neckband into 4 quadrants. I like to line up the back seam with the center back of the bodice.

Pin the neckband to the bodice. Sew or serge the neckband, stretching slightly as you go. Press your seams, and hem your sleeves.

Voila! A completed bodice! You can share your Day 2 step by posting in the Izzy & Ivy Designs Fan group and/or post on Instagram, using the hashtags #charlysewalong and #daytwo.