Charly Sew Along- Day Four

Charly Sew Along- Day Four

You’ve made it! Today is the last tutorial for the Charly Sew Along! If you are just now joining us, no worries! You have until March 20th to post your steps and completed project in our Facebook group and/or on Instagram. Charly is a very quick sew, so you...
Charly Sew Along- Day Three

Charly Sew Along- Day Three

We’re here at day THREE already and today we’re focusing on the skirt portion of the tunic! If you are just joining us, grab your Charly pattern, some gorgeous fabric, and catch up! It’s a fast sew, so you can make up the steps in no time. Day One...
Charly Sew Along- Day 2

Charly Sew Along- Day 2

Good morning! We are on day 2 of the Charly Sew Along, sponsored by Riley Blake Designs and Hawthorne Threads! If you missed day 1, it’s not too late! You can still buy the pattern for $7, catch up on yesterday’s post, and be ready to sew today! Today you...
Charly Sew Along- Day One

Charly Sew Along- Day One

Welcome to day one of our Charly Sew Along! I know some of you are just dying to get started, so I’ll get some basics out of the way, then we’ll start! If you haven’t purchased the Charly Tunic pattern for $7 yet, you can do that through March 20! I...